Well, folks, this is a bittersweet moment: the Slither case has finally cracked.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Case closed.
Well, folks, this is a bittersweet moment: the Slither case has finally cracked.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
About myself.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Slither the Snake.
Each night I slid open my closet door and put Slither into a small space I'd create for him. Each morning, his piercing eyes would greet me as I opened the door, and on we'd go.
Until one day. Slither went missing. I searched high and low for the entire day. Questioning my brothers, my mom, my dad. No trace. It was gently suggested that I'd misplaced him. I never saw Slither again.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The Big Merpod.
I'd also like to give my teacher a little shout-out for not stifling my creativity by slapping me with the following charge: plagiarism.
Then he quickly said he was sorry. He said maybe they could help her. "No, I don't think you can help, because the Sea Snitch has my nose," stated the Big Merpod (Obvi. Oh, men).
"Then swim back up here and we will put you on a diet". (true love!)
They did it, and then they got married and lived happily ever after.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Some things that are awesome. Part I.
I am teaching myself photography.
So I can ultimately fulfill my life's dream. Which is to stalk celebrities as a photog.
No, not really.
And by teaching myself I mean dragging my friend Bassam and his camera all around NYC. I think he's really enjoying it.
Here's a pic from a recent excursion. It's actually a photo Bassam took (obvi). But I think it for two reasons:
1. Way cool street - Minetta Lane, NYC.
2. It's proof I have yet to master the "cool" face.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Cut People Slack.
Read this interesting piece today...
The "fundamental attribution error" is a psychological phenomenon in which we tend to view other people's actions as reflections of their characters and tend to overlook the power of situation to influence their actions, whereas with ourselves, we recognize the pressures of circumstance. When other people's cell phones ring during a movie, it's because they're inconsiderate boors; if my cell phone rings during a movie, it's because I need to be able to take an emergency call.
I tried to remember not to judge people harshly, especially on the first or second encounter. Their actions might not reveal their enduring character but instead reflect some situation they find themselves in.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The Early Works.
Thank you Mrs. Rozack for the kind words. And for not having me arrested.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Last summer I went through a belated quarter-life crisis.
- One of my best friends (and roommates at the time) transfered to San Francisco
- I applied and thought I had a transfer to Chicago
- ...It fell through...
- My company restructured and I re-applied for a job in NYC
- Then moved and began living alone for the first time
In reality, all manageable things. But somehow, when condensed into one month, seemed a bit much.
To cope I turned to this...
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
"Just a warning that on April Fool's Day my natural distrust of others will be ratcheted up to a level bordering on psychosis".
...An invitation for a friend's birthday. Which reminded me how much I L-O-V-E this site, www.someecards.com.
Goodbye productivity.
(Fo, thank you for reminding me I've become delinquent in my posts. I leave you with this, "Even when you're in the background, I'll always tag you in my Facebook photos")
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Sleepy sleep.
Puh-lease let me sleep through the night for once. It's great waking up at 3am and all but I need some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Starbucks messages.
I'm so introspective these days.
Thank you Starbucks for slapping good 'ole #76 on my cup this morning...
"The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating – in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life."
- Anne Morriss
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Philosophies by philosophy.
One of my favs...
how you climb up the mountain is just as important as how you get down the mountain. and, so it is with life, which for many of us becomes one big gigantic test followed by one big gigantic lesson. in the end, it all comes down to one word. grace. it's how you accept winning and losing, good luck and bad luck, the darkness and the light.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Gung hee fa choy!
No, I'm not talking crazy-talk. I'm typing Chinese..."Happy Chinese New Year!".
Another tradition? Don't wash your hair...for good luck all year.
Oh, and 2010 is the Year of the Tiger. Grrrr.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Mi Familia.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Strangers & Friends.
I was just turned on to this blog by a mutual friend (three cheers for Bassam!)
I read through it so quickly, my fingers are crossed a new entry goes up soon. Clearly, I already heart it. I know you will too.
Check out Turning Strangers into Friends™ at www.strangerstofriends.com.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Friends and Fun and Wine and Petitions.
(This is what we look like when we're in denial. BTW - thank you Dawn for our classy dinnerware!)
Although it's very noble that Beth is moving to Florida to support her naval aviator boyfriend (I'm not bitter, Bill), I think if we all signed a petition she'd probably stay. We'll probably just need like four signatures or something.
So here goes.
This is Beth...
And this is my petition for Beth to stay in NYC (WHY ARE YOU LEAVING US?!?!)...
1. Jenny
Totally normal.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Human Rights.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Serenity now.
Internal dialogue in red. Please enjoy my latest interaction with Time Warner Cable. (I know I didn't).
user Jennifer_ has entered room
analyst Giovanni has entered room
(the excitement is building)
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 16:53:32 EST 2010)> Thank you for contacting Time Warner Cable. We are currently testing our live chat function and appreciate your patience. At the end of our chat you will be given the option of taking a brief survey. My name is Giovanni. Please give me a moment while I access your account.
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 16:53:48 EST 2010)> ok thank you (optimistic...afterall, not having to deal with touchtone menus is good, in theory)
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 16:53:52 EST 2010)>Hello good afternoon.
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 16:53:57 EST 2010)>hello
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 16:53:59 EST 2010)>I understand your issue and I will be more than glad to help you in this request.
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 16:54:18 EST 2010)>Hello, Ms Bulgrin. (I think we've covered the pleasantries, kind sir)
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 16:54:22 EST 2010)>thanks so much (yet...still hopeful)
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 16:54:35 EST 2010)>You are welcome! (thatta boy!)
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 16:55:15 EST 2010)>Let me see if I can send this statement via e-mail, I just know that I can send statements by postal mail. (a bit early for excuses, no?)
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 16:55:18 EST 2010)>May I have a moment please to look that up?
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 16:55:23 EST 2010)>sure
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 16:56:47 EST 2010)>Have you tried to look it on PayXpress? (Oh really?? Instead of easily checking my statement online, I always prefer to: 1. dig around on a website for 20 minutes to find the contact information for the help desk 2. proceed to call the help desk and get a busy signal for 15 minutes straight 3. reluctantly join their online chat service. Yeah, this was definitely my first option.)
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 16:57:40 EST 2010)>Yes, it has my first two statements...I need just the one for $51.90.
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 16:58:14 EST 2010)>Oh, I understand. (based on the events to follow, I'd say the grasp of the situation is weak at best)
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 16:58:28 EST 2010)>This statement has not been showed yet? (in cases like these, do you edit the grammar and send back? yes? no?)
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 16:59:32 EST 2010)>It hit my corporate credit card on 1/22. In my last statement, I paid a portion of it personally. The balance was $51.90 which is all I can expense. They said about 3 weeks ago they would send me a new statement for just that amount. It never showed and now I need an electronic version today.
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:01:30 EST 2010)>I see. (do you though?)
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:01:42 EST 2010)>Let me check something here.
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:01:50 EST 2010)>Give me a minute, please.
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 17:01:53 EST 2010)>ok
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:03:57 EST 2010)>It seems that this amount of $ 51.90 has been paid right now.
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 17:04:19 EST 2010)>yes I understand...however I need the actual statement to submit to my company
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:04:59 EST 2010)>Unfortunately I cannot send this statement by e-mail. (perhaps this nugget of information would have been helpful oh say, 10 minutes ago)
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:05:21 EST 2010)>Just by postal mail and it will arrive on 5 to 7 days. (just like the last one, right?)
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 17:05:22 EST 2010)>ok..I really need it. what are the options? can you load it online for me to download??
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:05:49 EST 2010)>No, I am sorry.
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 17:05:58 EST 2010)>what can you do? (now this may read a bit harsh, but it's not like I was referring to can you read? can you cook? Are there any skills, at all, that you excel at?)
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:06:11 EST 2010)>I do not have the tools to do it. (I'd like to slap you with two wet pasta noodles right now)
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 17:06:18 EST 2010)>ok, what can you do?
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:06:22 EST 2010)>Just send this statement by postal mail.
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:06:30 EST 2010)>By postal mail. (for added emphasis)
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 17:06:45 EST 2010)>ok, that was told to me last time. i need it sent ASAP. it never arrived last time they told me they would send it.
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:07:29 EST 2010)>I will send this statement right now, but it will arrive in 5 to days days.
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 17:07:39 EST 2010)>that's ridiculous
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:08:00 EST 2010)>I am so sorry.
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 17:08:07 EST 2010)>how am i supposed to provide my company with what they need? is there someone else that can help? (I should have learned by this point that additional questions only complicate the situation)
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:08:37 EST 2010)>Let me ask to my supervisor.
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:08:52 EST 2010)>Please give me just a minute.
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 17:10:57 EST 2010)>Also, when I go online why does it say I have $147.55 due on 1/23? I have paid everything current. (I will forever kick myself for adding one more layer of complexity to the issue, but alas...)
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:11:26 EST 2010)>yes, your current balance is $ 0.00
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:11:47 EST 2010)>You do not owe nothing. (does Time Warner use double negatives to trick customers? Like now I owe a whole bunch?)
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 17:12:11 EST 2010)>alright, please let me know what your supervisor says (taking it back to the basics, people)
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:13:27 EST 2010)>My supervisor says that you can go at the nearest TWC cable store and ask for this statement there, because we do not have access this statement but in the store they can print this statement, Ms. Bulgrin. (I'd rather have a root canal than have to interact with these people in person, thankyouverymuch)
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 17:13:45 EST 2010)>Can you please mail it to me?
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:14:26 EST 2010)>This chat or the location of the store? (yes, this chat, so I can save it like a love letter)
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 17:14:45 EST 2010)>My bill
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 17:15:13 EST 2010)>You told me you could mail me my bill? (ohm, ohm, ohm, downward dog, child's pose, ohm, ohm)
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:15:30 EST 2010)>Not by e-mail.
Giovanni (Mon Feb 1 17:16:00 EST 2010) > I can do by postal mail.
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 17:15:33 EST 2010)>yes, please do that (mutherfucka, shit, goddamn)
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:15:40 EST 2010)>Ok, sure
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:15:49 EST 2010)>Give me just a minute, please.
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:18:25 EST 2010)>May I have your current address to confirm?
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 17:18:41 EST 2010)>*** Joralemon Street, Apt ### Brooklyn, NY 11201
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:18:52 EST 2010)>Great! (let's dock this ship!)
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 17:19:00 EST 2010)>All set?
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:19:22 EST 2010)>Yes, this is your confirmation number: 171 249 989 (you can bet your ass this is going in the vault)
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:19:26 EST 2010)>May I help you with another issue, question or request? (let's touch on global warming...)
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 17:19:32 EST 2010)>think i'm all set, thanks
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:19:40 EST 2010)>You are welcome!
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:19:54 EST 2010)>Thank you for your patience, Ms. Bulgrin. (you have no idea)
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:19:58 EST 2010)>Have a nice day!
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 17:20:00 EST 2010)>thank you
Jennifer_(Mon Feb 1 17:20:01 EST 2010)>you too! (what? I'm human)
Giovanni(Mon Feb 1 17:20:02 EST 2010)>Again, my name is Giovanni. Thank you for chatting with Time Warner Cable. We value you as a customer and are here to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you would like to take a brief survey please click on "done" and the survey will load.Have a great day! (your name will be seared into my memory for a long, long time)
Giovanni (Mon Feb 17:24:02 EST 2010):0) (ewww, really?)
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Best Saturday.
When your day starts with this...
That's an Oatmeal Stout Beer Float.
The rest of brunch was equally AMAZING. I officially have a new fav -- Northern Spy Food Co.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Coming up aces.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Two things I like about today.
#1. This fun little addition to my iPod...
Home - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
#2. So proud of Jessica who rocked her talk tonight at this very cool event...
Whether you want to check your bank statement or how late your flight is, iPhone apps have cross-pollinated a number of brands. Many of your clients maybe considering them as another way to engage with consumers or indeed to make money. If that’s the case, are you ready for the unpredictable world of app building? And, more importantly, is building an app even right for your brand? This month our speakers will take you through the App market, the players in the field and other information you’ll need to get your app done. They’ll show you successful apps they’ve built and tell you all their secrets. Pretty good huh?
SPEAKERS: Jessica Berta (THIS IS MY FRIEND. I AM CLEARLY SO EXCITED THAT I AM TYPING ALL IN CAPS. SHOUTING, IF YOU WILL) & Shannon Heuer – Writer & Producer (respectively) - BigSpaceship
Barbara Rybka – Advisor - LimeLife.
Catherine Patterson – Head of Digital Production – McCann Erickson
The meeting will be on Tuesday, 26th of January at McCANN ERICKSON, 18th floor – 7PM start. Their offices are located at 622 3rd Avenue, between 40th and 41st street.
Do two little things for me: download the song. download the app, Urban Daddy (doesn't matter if you're suburban or a mommy).
Giada's Venetian Mac and Cheese.
I made this last night.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
All Hail Conan.
"All I ask of you, especially young people...is one thing. Please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen. I'm telling you, amazing things will happen."
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The Digs.
Home sweet home. Sigh.
Friday, January 22, 2010
I'm officially a member *here*.
Best part?
Steam Room!
I felt so amazing after I stepped out, I just had to do a little internet search on the benefits. Many, many pluses but here are some of my favs.
- Elevated body temperature acts like a fever and boosts immunity by increasing white blood cell production
- Helps alleviate congestion, inflammation, and coughing
- Heavy sweating helps eliminate toxins, chemicals and other impurities from the skin
- Opens skin pores and releases trapped oils and dirt; promotes a clear complexion
- Loosens dead, dry skin which makes exfoliation easier
- Increased heart rate, blood circulation and metabolic rate
- Looser, relaxed muscles after exercise
- Relief for stress, tension and high blood pressure
- Sense of mental well-being and rejuvenation