Thursday, July 8, 2010

About myself.

I know how much all eight (8) of my readers enjoy creations from my childhood, so I am once again opening the vault.

"About Myself" was written circa 4th grade and is a telling piece offering insight into the psyche that is, Jenny B.

(Additional commentary in red)

(I'm picking up on a theme of balls and mammals here)

My name is: Jenny Bulgrin (done. bring it)
Today I feel: hot but I'm happy (not dissimilar to the present)
Something special about me is: I smile a lot
My father always: take my family places (very vague, yet intriguing)
I'd rather: be playing than: at school (you asked)
I like teachers that: are nice (not falling into that trap!)
My favorite place to be is: Wisconsin Dells (minimal travel up to this point)
Something that bothers me is: nothing (untrue)
At our house we: play games before we go to bed (like "empty the dishwasher", "make your lunch"...)
Before I go to bed I like to: read (I am a busy little bee before bed)
When I'm alone: I practice baseball or soccer (Hard to do alone, I would imagine)
The most important people in the world are: my family (I had actually crossed out and replaced "person" with "people" and "is" with "are". I am nothing, if not fair)
I wish I could: go to France
Sometimes I like to: watch TV
I think school should be a place where: we have fun (hope you're taking notes)
I feel nervous when: there is a test (also, when you make me fill out these silly questionnaires)
I wish people wouldn't: give me homework (that's meant for you, teach. passive aggressive. classic)
It makes me angry when: I can't go somewhere (this includes: recess, the bathroom and France)
Better than anything, I like to: ride my bike (option b: not get homework)
I really get angry when: my brother is being weird (still true. also, lots of questions re: anger. profile much?)
I feel proud when: my mom and dad compliment me (what can I say, I am the oldest child)
This year, I hope: to get all A's (cleary with minimal effort i.e. no tests, less homework)
One thing I'd like to know about the teacher is: nothing (ha. take that. now, perhaps if you didn't give me tests...)
One thing I'd like the teacher to know about me is: nothing (haven't you pried enough?!)